Monday 28 December 2015

Title Ideas

Ideas for Titles

We had to ensure that the titles kept the enigma of the trailer, while giving away as much as the plot as we could so that the target audience, genre and plot were clear, conforming to Syd Field's narrative theory.

We came up with the titles:

Every moment that changes your life, changes who you are

This shows that the character in the trailer has had her life changed by something. Although, we didn't think the wording was very strong.

After this we focused on the main factors that affect the character's life. We wanted the titles to be slightly poetic, this led to:

Depression is an internal battle
Isolation is a dream killer

These titles didn't give enough of the plot away, which left the audience confused. The internal battle and dream killer parts were too vague for the audience to understand the character's journey, which means that the trailer will not attract the target audience. 

To conform to common conventional titles in social realism trailers, there is often a rhetorical question. To refer to her pain being taken away by heroin and smoking, we came up with the titles:

If there was something to take the pain away
How much would you risk to keep it?

Again, the wording of this isn't very strong which would confuse the audience again. We decided that we wanted a rhetorical question as this promotes enigma and encourages the audience to want to see the film. It also a common convention of the social realism genre.

To create better titles, we listed a range of words that are related to the plot or character of the trailer. From this, we could develop ideas.


We decided to use the words fight, depression and addiction in the rhetorical question.

Can she fight to take back her life 
From the depths of depression and addiction?

We decided to use the words Freedom, Responsibility, Consciousness and Pain in the rest of the titles. This gives the audience an insight to what the film includes i.e. the character having more freedom but not being able to cope with the responsibility it entails. As well as giving an insight into the characters opinions on drugs, i.e. her being conscious rather than being high causes her pain because of the bad life she leads.

With Freedom comes Responsibility
With Consciousness comes Pain 

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