Sunday 13 December 2015

Reviews in Social Realism Trailers

Reviews in Social Realism Trailers

To ensure that our trailer looks professional we have to conform to common conventions of our genre - social realism.
Below I am will explore the language and review types used within the reviews of three social realism films - Fish Tank, The Selfish Giant and This is England.

Fish Tank

There is only two reviews used within the trailer of Fish Tank, which is small number compared to most social realism trailers.
One of he reviews has stars, which is a visual representation of what is said, allowing the review to cover a shorter space of time within the trailer, as the audience will still be able to see that the film is given a 5 star review.
Most reviews use two describing words with an 'and' between, this is shown in the first review "Brilliantly and Sensitively".

The Selfish Giant

There are lots of reviews used in the trailer for The Selfish Giant, making it conform to the common conventions more than Fish Tank.
Most of the reviews used are very short, allowing the audience to read them quickly - keeping their attention on the trailer. Examples being:

In the trailer, there is also a whole page of star reviews. Again, this is for the audience to easily see a visual representation of the main opinion on the film.
There are 8 star reviews on a single page, 4 being 4 stars and 4 being 5 stars.

This is England

Usually reviews are spread out in the trailer, but This is England uses all of the reviews at the end of the trailer. There are only three reviews used, all of which being quotes from critics and not stars. The review is shown over a clip, when usually it is a blank screen between clips. The review is on a white background, which has an effect as though it was ripped from a newspaper.

The same use of language as Fish Tank is used in the reviews for This is England i.e. "Stunning and Unforgettable" as well as "Profound and Moving".

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