Monday 14 December 2015

Poster practical

I used two 5 star ratings, 'incredibly touch, an emotional masterpiece' and 'a gripping storyline' and put them in the middle on the left which follows the golden rule . I created the 5 stars by uploading an image from google images and used the magic wand tool to cut way the background away from the star and duplacated them.

Billings block
I copied a billings block from google images which I wouldn't do for the real poster, as I would make my own one. I pasted it into photoshop and again used the magic wand tool to cut away the white background image and put it at the bottom of the poster which is a common convention of film posters.

Main image
For the background image, I used one of the images taken whilst filming and opened it on photoshop. I reduced the brightness and increased the contrast slightly, then I reduced the saturation of the brick wall to enhance the image of the main character. Next I used the smudge tool using colours black, red and green to create a black eye effect on the left eye. I choose to make a landscape image as it it common convention of teen urban dramas and is evident in past work form media students.

Main title 
I created a simple black and bold font that stands out from the background of the brick wall. The main title stands out from the poster and it has the largest font size. The title is placed to the left of the poster which is effective as titles shouldn't be located in the middle according to the golden rule.

I used the same tagline from the website and the trailer 'life is delicate. life is disposable. life is eighteen' which makes the trailer, poster and website relatable and it will attract audiences as it is memorable.

Realise date 
I put the release date below the billings block, this is so it is out of the way yet is there for the audiences information if they wish to know. It also doesn't say the exact date which keeps the audience guessing.

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