Thursday 17 December 2015

Music Update

As we approached our first draft deadline, we had a list of things yet to complete in our trailer, we made a list of adjustments we needed to make in order of priority and we agreed that music was the most important thing to organise. We had asked my uncle to create music but he was still producing the song so we continued to research music to use. I made a list of artists whose music would fit our trailer and searched soundcloud for remixes and covers which are available to use commercially but most didn't fit as they were too electronic/rock.
I therefore lokoed on Youtube and searced for "The XX copyright free' ad we thought The XX's song Intro fit our trailer well the first result was a song by Jacoo called Crossing winds which was inspired by the Xx's song.
The song is an original piece recorded by the artist but we were unsure on whether it was available to use without permission.
As we were unsure if the song was copyrighted or not, I emailed the artist to confirm that we could use the song and he replied almost immediately to the email to verify permission for us to use the music. We will have to give credit to the artist in the caption of the YouTube video but ultimately, we think this music fits really well so we're going to keep it.

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