Sunday 6 December 2015

Storyboard Draft 3

Third Storyboard Draft

This storyboard is in more detail than the second draft, but still have some development to go. Each box represents a number of shots, which means that it is not very accurate in representing the sequence of clips. The drugs scenes are split, which could either represent a split screen in the editing, or the sequence.

The drawings are of high quality, with specific details of each shot, but could be neater as some of the drawings are quite rushed. One box in the image below has four shots in, this again, could cause confusion when it comes to editing the clips together.

Some of the boxes are specific, i.e. 'videos of Verity year 7 - 11'. This does not help with the length of the clips, and the proportion of the trailer that they will take up. Again, this could cause issues during editing, if we come to it and we do not have the clips.

The 'coming soon' and billing's block boxes, will be still images and not moving. Which means that they will be easy to input. Although, we will have to think of the timings of this while editing based on the length of the trailer and the time limit of 1 minute.

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