Sunday 6 December 2015

Film Website Deconstruction

Website Deconstruction

The Spectacular Now


  • The website is not overcrowded and quite simple. The colour scheme is very neutral the only two colours being cream and green.
  • The majority of the website is taken up with the trailer, which plays when the user clicks it, not automatically. We are going to have our trailer play automatically, so that when the user is the on the website, they are drawn into watching the trailer.
  • At the top of the website, there are a few tabs that the user can click to find out more about the film i.e. synopsis and cast and crew.
  • Below this are links to the film’s social media accounts and websites to purchase the film from.
  • The green band at the top of the website is a review, that changes around every 10 seconds, so that the user can see the reviews of the film, so that they can choose whether it is suitable for them or not.
  • Below the trailer is an active link to the accounts tumblr tag. This means that when people post pictures/videos of things about the film with the tag #thespectacularnow it appears on the website. This is a way of getting the audience involved with the film and increasing the amount of online publicity as more people are likely to post about the film if they have the chance of getting onto the film website.

Paper Towns


  • The trailer automatically plays full screen when the website is clicked on. The user has an option to close this, above is an image of the website that comes up as a result of that.
  • The colours of this website are the same as those on the poster and titles in the trailer. This creates brands reputation for the film, attracting the target audience and allowing all three media products to be linked.
  • The yellow and blue work well together as the yellow stands out against the electric blue colour, drawing attention to the tagline and similar films specifically. This targets a specific audience.
  • The main image taking up the website is the same as that on the poster. This, again, creates brand loyalty.
  • In the centre of the website, there is a banner with the options for the user to find out more about the story, trailer and music, amongst others. This makes the audience more active which benefits the publicity of the film through opinion leaders, who lead the people around them (the passive audience) to believe their opinion, which hopefully is that the film is good.
  • Below the banner, is a live link to the film’s tumblr page. Employees of the main production company will look on the film’s tumblr tag to find posts worth reblogging. Once reblogged, the posts would appear on the website. As fans have the chance to get their work reblogged onto the website, more people are likely to upload posts about the film, increasing online publicity.

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