Sunday 6 December 2015

Filming Evaluation 4/12/15

Filming Evaluation

Date: 4/12/15

We didn't have all of the equipment needed to shoot the rest of the remaining scenes, but we filmed the shots that we could.
I went to the garages in the housing estate near the school, this means that it was a convenient location. It also was a good location because the area is quite built up, which is suitable for our genre and the shots we were filming.

We also decided, while we were on location and Verity was in suitable clothing for the character, to take pictures for the poster.
We went for a range of shots:
  • Verity in the bottom left corner against a brick wall
  • Verity in the bottom right corner against a brick wall with garages in the back
  • Verity in bottom right corner against garages
  • Verity in bottom left against garages
We experimented with focus, angles and framing.

We only filmed for about an hour. We need to arrange another filming date to get the small amount of filming left done.

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