Thursday 5 November 2015

Deconstruction of Fish Tank Trailer

Genre- Social Realsim 

- Hoodies
- Hooped ear-rings
- Tracksuit
- Alcohol
- Cigarettes
- Fighting dogs
- Weapons 

Editing/camera angles:
- Quick cuts in-between each shot which makes the pace quicker and more footage can be shown in the trailer. 
- A fade into and out of the titles are used to emphasise the meaning of them and to catch the audiences attention.
- Tracking shots are used to follow Mia as she is the main influence in the film and its about her life from her point of view. 
- A close up shot is used to show Mia's emotion when she cries for the first time.

- Council estate- gangs, violence, street dancing, isolated area, bleak
- Country side- sense of freedom, family area, escapism
- Council flat- un-tidy, alcohol everywhere, no sense of a family unit

- Shouting
- Narrative from the film which gives more information away instead of having to do a voice over or titles.
- Hip-hop music- relates the Mia's dancing dream that she tries to pursue. 
- Swearing 
- Gentle music using guitars is used to show her happiness when she thinks she has someone who cares for her.

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