Monday 16 November 2015

Editing our trailer

  • After filming, we uploaded our footage onto final cut
  • As a group, we looked through our footage to select the best shots and deleted the scenes which didn't work out
  • Once we'd decided which shots we were going to use, I dragged them onto the timeline in roughly the correct order
  • The scenes where Verity is writing on the mirror were too long so I had to crop these down so that it's a quick shot of her writing each word. I tried speeding the clips up so we can see what is being written but we all concluded that normal speed looked better where we can only see part of the word.
  • The next scenes were filmed at school. We filmed by the lockers as this is a common convention in teen dramas. I cropped the shot so that it was of Verity laughing with her friends as this shot is being used through her good phase.
  • The shot after is of her walking down the stairs in school. This shot wasn't planned on our storyboard but when we were reviewing our footage, we found that this would make the transition much smoother and make it link more to our storyline.

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