Friday 6 November 2015

Editing practical

- We began our editing by opening final cut and uploading all our footage onto the computer.
- I then went through all the footage and deleted the shots that we didn't need
- I then dragged all the footage into the timeline and cropped the shots down either further in order to save time in the 60 second time limit.
- The extreme close up shot of the eye and cropped the beginning when the lighting was too dark.
- Then I put the shot in to fast motion to make the pupil look like its getting smaller.
- However I feel that this shot needs to be done again as the eye needs to be focused more.
- The close up shot of the girl smoking was too long so I combined other shots together to create match-on action.
- I then used the shot of the cocaine spelling 'eighteen' and cropped the last part of the shot and put it into fast motion.
- However this shot needs to be re-done and you can see the hairdryer in the reflection.
- Lastly I uploaded the other footage the 'camera 2' from the car which was then cropped by a lot as it lasted 2 minutes.
- Then I fast forwarded the shot by x4 to create a time lapse.
- However this footage may not be used in the end as there maybe more appropriate footage to use against are genre.

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