Sunday 15 November 2015

Deconstruction of previous A2 media trailer - "The Deprived"

The Deprived

Production companies

  • Simple yet effective production companies
  • Relevant to genre

Camera angles

  • Good range of camera angles - handheld, close up, tracking, long shot, etc.


  • Good use of location - abandoned buildings, forests, etc.
  • Attention to small details such as rusting and blood stains to suit genre and to make it look abandoned
  • Map looks realistic
  • Dark lighting to portray atmosphere


  • Typography is in bold to show its importance
  • Letters aren't perfect - have a rough texture and possible blood stains
  • Typography is appropriate as it is similar to the state of the location

  • Sound of radio/real news footage at the beginning - sound is distorted to give a no signal effect which is effective as this film is about survival
  • 'Heartbeat sound' when clips of the location is shown to build tension
  • Use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound - diegetic sound of the male actor speaking
  • Effective use of sound at the end where we hear the sound of a gunshot and birds, possibly crows, flying away

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