Monday 16 November 2015

Typography Experiment

Typography for Trailer  

I used to look for fonts to use for the typography of our teaser trailer.
The titles that we plan to have is the title and tagline of the film:

Life is delicate. Life is disposable. Life is eighteen.

Below is an experiment into what type of font is best suited for our genre and plot.


This font is quite similar to a girls handwriting which, as our main character in the trailer is a teenage girl, is suitable for our trailer.
The font is quite cursive but still easy to read, which is essential to ensure that the target audience’s attention is kept.
As our trailer is only 60 seconds, the titles will need to be quick to ensure that we have the maximum amount of time to show the story of the film. This means that the font must be easy and quick to read, which would depend on the size that this font would be.



Again, this font is similar to a girls handwriting, which is suitable for our plot and genre.
This font is more spaced out than the one above, allowing it to be read easier, which is a benefit for the trailer.
The drawback of this font is that it could be seen as too messy for the eighteen year-old girl that we have in the trailer. It also has less of a handwritten effect as the edges are more rounded that Otto, which is quite ‘scratched’.

Santos Dumont

This is also a handwritten font. This is less like an eighteen year old handwriting as it could be seen as an ‘old English’ handwriting style, seen in historical dramas. I liked the font because it looks like it could have been written in a diary, which would be good if we had focused the plot of the film around the girl having a journal.
As our trailer is based more around social media, this font wouldn’t be appropriate for our trailer.


This isn’t a handwritten font. I liked this font as it is simple and a commonly used and therefore recognisable and easy to read.
If the font is larger, it is easier to see that the font is actually coloured in, with the edges not being completely straight.
This makes the font slightly imperfect, a common convention used in teen dramas as it can be seen as relatable. It is appropriate for our trailer as the main character goes ‘off the rails’ which shows imperfection, which could also be shown through the font used. 

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