Wednesday 4 November 2015


After our first day of filming, we uploaded our footage into FinalCut Pro to start editing it. We all decided on the best shots from the filming and put them all on the timeline and collectively decided which ones to crop and shorten.
In the shot of the eye, we used a bright light to make the pupil shrink to look more like the character has been effected by the use of heroin. The shot was therefore very bright and I therefore decreased the brightness and lowered the saturation to make the shot look less yellow/white so it matched the rest of the trailer.
I then cropped three individual shots of the character smoking a cigarette, I used one of her putting the cigarette in her mouth, a close up of the lit end of the cigarette and one of her moving the cigarette away from her mouth. I then edited them carefully to create match on action of her smoking the cigarette. This was successful as the movement of her hand in the shots is smooth and it looks like one shot rather than a jumpy and unrealistic montage.

I also used match on action for the injection shot to show a mid shot of her placing the needle on her arm and then a close up of the needle pressing against her skin.

From editing the shots and reviewing them, we found that a lot were unsuccessful in terms of quality and lighting, including the shots taken with the GoPro which we will reshoot at a later date. We also decided on the shots we needed to film in our next filming session and made a pan of where and when we would film them in order to stay organised and get the shots uploaded into FinalCut to start editing as soon as possible so if reshoots are neccesary, we have time to make improvements.

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