Sunday 15 November 2015

Deconstruction of Previous A2 Media Film Trailer

Deconstruction of a Previous A2 Media Film Trailer

The trailer is on YouTube, but cannot be embedded into Blogger. 


  • The trailer starts off with slow piano music. This creates an eerie feel as the clips playing make the genre of the trailer unknown. 
  • Following this, there is a voicemail message of a girl. The plot of the film is uncertain. The message is very clear, so it is likely that the group filmed the girl talking and edited the audio to sound like it was from a phone. 
  • After this, there is a voiceover of the assumed main character. The outline of the film is brought to light. The character summarises that his girlfriend was killed and he is in search of her killer. 
  • As the clips are edited faster, there is a violin and drum beat added to the audio. This creates tension and builds the intensity of the trailer. 
  • There is a good mix of diegetic and non diegetic sounds throughout. For example the indicators and the pen scratching the paper. 


  • The clips all have dark lighting and low saturation. This creates an enigmatic feel and is appropriate for the genre of the trailer. 
  • The editing increases in speed throughout the trailer, this creates tension. The editing slows towards the end of the trailer before the billing's block. This conforms to Todorov's theory of  equilibrium and disequilibrium.
  • The clips in the middle of the trailer change at the drum beat of the song, creating a routine. 


  • The mise-en-scene of the trailer is very strong. They use good props including organising the photos of the girl to then have the panning shot. 
  • They also use good locations. In particular the scene of interrogation, it looks as though it is set in an abandoned building, with rope around the room. 


The only improvement would be the titles. 
  • The typography is quite weak as the font is basic and there is no particular skill involved. 
  • The image that the titles are layered over isn't relevant to the trailer as it is an image of a cracked wall. It also has a very blue filter on compared to the neutral colours used in the rest of the trailer.
  • The billings block at the end of the trailer is also not set out correctly, reducing the professional look made by the quality of the rest of the trailer. 

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