Friday 6 November 2015

Media Theories


  • Todorov's Theory of Equilibrium - every play/film/trailer begins with calm (equilibrium) and will ride and fall between peaks of disequilibrium (chaos) with calm at the end
  • Restricted narrative - doesn't give much away - enigmatic - shows small clips together which don't fit together and can be unclear
  • Enigma - mystery, question which the audience want answered
  • Propps spheres of action - common character types found within films
    • Hero
    • Villain
    • Donor
    • Dispatcher
    • False Hero
    • Helper
    • Princess
    • Princess' Father
Audience Theory - how the audience affect or are affected by the media
  • Hypodermic needle theory - we are heavily influences and affected by the media we consume ie. more likely to be violent if you-play violent video games. Commonly linked to moral panics
  • Uses & Gratifications - we consume media because we want to for a number of differed reasons:
    • Personal Identity - relate
    • Social Interaction - common interest
    • Informative - learn from it
    • Social Empathy - emotion
    • Entertainment - excitement
  • Audiences are either passive or active
    • Passive - powerless to prevent the influence
    • Active
  • Marxism - capitalism - the bourgeoisie use their power to oppress the proletariat.
    • Hegemony - how people are influences into accepting dominance of those in power
  • Anchoring - fixing meaning
  • Syd Field - In the first ten minutes, a film must indicate its:
    • Genre
    • Target Audience
    • Rough Plot
  • Reception Theory - Stuart Hall; (1970s) - how texts are encoded with meaning by produces then decoded by audiences

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