Friday 27 November 2015

Editing Practical

- Firstly I started by editing the sequence to make a flash back effect. I did this by using the close up shot of my face with tears and make up running down. I edited it to make it look like I was looking through the mirror thinking of happy memories. I then used repetition of this shot at the end of the teaser trailer.
- For the flash back I used the editing effect 'Flash' on the lights section and putting them in before the flash back.
- I then changed the shot of myself running through the subway to the same scene but filmed on the go-pro. I felt that the go-pro was more effective and also the lighting was darker which suited our genre.
- Next I added in titles at the end of the trailer. We started by brainstorming our ideas for our titles and came up with, 'Every moment that changes your life...changes who you are', and split this quote between two shots.
- Lastly I changed the titles at the beginning,' Life is delicate, Life is disposal, Life is eighteen',  to overlap previous shots so save time in the trailer so we come add in more images, this is because the title took up too much room.

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