Sunday 15 November 2015

Deconstruction of Typography in Film Posters

Deconstruction of Typography in Film Posters

Paper Towns

  • The title of the film is large and fills a quarter of the poster. It is an outlined, handwriting style font. The title of the film is in white, which contrasts to the use of yellow for the other words - the tagline, release date and selling point.
  • All of the fonts used are a handwritten font, this is a common convention in teen dramas as it creates a feeling of imperfection, making the film more relatable, accessing the target audience.
  • The main selling of the film is that it is written by the same author as The Fault in Our Stars. This is shown by the title of the film being in a large capitalised font at the top of the poster. 

We Are Your Friends

  • The title of the film is in the bottom quarter of the poster. It is a simple, thin, white font. The main difference of this typography is that there is a letter in each of the words of the title of the film represented as a symbol. The W is a fast forward symbol, the A is an eject symbol, the O is a CD symbol and the I/E is a pause symbol. This hints at who the target audience for this film are, as it is obvious that this film is about music/technology - the main character is a DJ.
  • It is obvious what the selling point of this film is as the name of the main actor Zac Efron is written in a large, pink typography at the top of the poster, taking up the whole width of the page. This is contrasted by the other actors names being in a smaller, darker typography on top of the name of the film.
  • The tag line is in a different font to the rest of the poster. The typography is quite digitalised. The D's look like play buttons, again hinting at the plot of the film and highlighting the target audience.  

Project X

  • The same, plain white font is used throughout the poster. This is effective for the poster as the colours used are quite lowly saturated and neutral, which contrast against the brightness of the white typography.
  • The title of the film is quite unclear given that the tagline is in a larger size and in the centre of the poster. The title of the film is in the centre third of the width of the page, at the bottom of the page.
  • The main selling point of the film is shown at the top of the poster, stating that it is from the same directors as The Hangover. The title of the film being bold and larger than the line above. This targets the correct audience, as if the audience like one film they are likely to enjoy the other.
  • The tagline fills the width of the poster. The typography is slightly translucent, which makes it stand out against the party scene in the background.

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