Friday 23 October 2015

Actors in our production

  • In our teaser trailer, we will have one main actress playing Rose. Rose is an innocent character represented as vulnerable due to her mental health issues as a result of becoming an adult with responsibilities she struggles to handle.

  • We listed students, focussing on drama students, who could play the role and then concluded a high level of acting skills would not be necessary due to an absence of diegetic dialogue. Verity in our group therefore volunteered to play the part of Rose as she would have to be on location to help with filming anyway so it was more practical for her to act in our trailer.
  • Verity acted in our AS coursework piece of a film opening and has no previous acting experience other than this however having no diegetic sounds or dialogue means she does not have to be an experienced actor as she will not be speaking.

  • For another scene we needed friends to sit with Rose in public places such as school and friends houses. We therefore asked Verity's real friends to sit with her and act naturally and we positioned the camera on a tripod to record the interactions between them to show Rose when she was happier before she became depressed.
  • As the actors were only required to act naturally and joke around, again, minimal acting skills were required which made it easier to find actors.

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