Saturday 10 October 2015

Social Media Trends

Social Media Trends

An idea we had for our teaser trailer was to incorporate social media into the storyline. This is due to social media heavily influencing our lives as well as our generation. This will ensure that we attract our desired target audience.

A recent study shows that one quarter of the world’s population uses social media - 1,730,000,000 people.
I have researched into the trends of four of the most popular social networking sites in 2015.


Facebook have 757 million daily users and 1.23 billion monthly users.
24 million of the 31 million British users use the social media daily.
49% of Facebook users are male, 51% are female

87% of users use the social media app on their tablet or smartphone.
Half of the users of the social network are between 18 and 34.
24.5% are 18-24, 25.5% are 25-34.

The most popular pages in the United Kingdom are:
- Manchester United
- David Beckham
- Chelsea FC
- The Beatles
- One Direction


Instagram have 300 million monthly users
30 billion photos have already been shared  to the social media
10 million photos being posted daily
2.5 billion likes being received a day

Averagely, a Instagram user will be on the app for 21 minutes daily
20% of internet users have an Instagram account (2014)
Increased from 15% in 2013
51% of Instagram users are male, 49% female
41% of users are aged 16-24, 35% are aged 25-34

The most followed people on the social media are:
- Taylor Swift
- Kim Kardashian
- Beyoncé
- Justin Bieber


Twitter has 316 million monthly users - 15 million of them being British.
500 million tweets are sent everyday.
80% of users access the social network on their tablet or smartphone.

Over two thirds of the people on the site are under 34.
12.1% are aged 12-17, 23.9% are aged 18-24.
43% of users have an account but have not posted.
Only 26% of teenagers say that it is their favourite social media.

The most followed accounts by British people are:
- Harry Styles
- One Direction (group account)
- Adele
- BBC Breaking News


Snapchat accounts for 75% of all data traffic in the UK
Snapchat has 30 million monthly users
55% of those using it daily equalling 16.5 million people
294 million snaps are sent every day

70% of users are female, 30% being male
26% of users are aged 12-17, 45% are aged 18-25

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