Friday 2 October 2015

Skins Series 1 Trailer: Inspiration

Camerawork & Editing
  • Very fast editing - shows a chaotic teenage party
  • Strobe lighting makes editing seem faster
  • Handheld camera - more involved in party, first hand account of the chaos

  • Drugs are shown in pill from in a 1 second shot. This conforms to teenage stereotypes 
  • Sex  - characters are shown in underwear and kissing
  • Low key lighting with torch/spotlight on characters
  • Strobe lighting
  • Standing in the Way of Control - gossip - American indie rock, fast paced fits in with strobe lights and editing
  • No dialogue or voiceover
This programme is evidently about teenagers as the trailer covers a stereotypical disorderly party showing teens drinking, doing drugs...etc
I like the fast pace of the trailer along with the music and mise en scene and how it all fits.

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