Saturday 17 October 2015

Deconstruction of "It's kind of a funny story" trailer

Deconstruction of "It's kind of a funny story"

A clinically depressed teenager, Craig Gilner, gets a new start after he checks himself into an adult psychiatric ward. 

  • The trailer begins with the age rating screen which lasts from 0.00 to 0.05 seconds.
  • I think that the production company screen is effective because of the background. The image in the background relates to the name of the production company and I like how the 'o' is out of focus. 

  • The trailer makes it clear on what the film is going to be about. We know that there's a psychological aspect as it is set in a mental health clinic and it focuses on what's going on inside the male character's head. To emphasize the psychological aspect, there is a close up shot of Craig's eyes then he suddenly wakes up from a dream.

  • I like the titles used because before the first title plays at 1:53, Noelle is referring to Craig's mind which then zooms into his eye then transitions into the title. The background of the title moves and the use of illustration rather than a real video makes it seem like an imaginary world; which again links back to the psychological aspect in the film. 
  • As the first title appears, it is accompanied by the song "Oh my god" by Ida Maria. This song is very upbeat and gives off a happy vibe; the clips also transition much faster with more cutaways. Before the first title, there was only diegetic dialogue with little non-diegetic music in the background.  

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