Saturday 17 October 2015

Black eye and cut lip tutorial

To create this fake black eye and cut lip to represent a beaten up look, click onto the video above and watch the tutorial:

- Creating the black eye was much easier then the cut lip as it only required the bruising pallet and because bruises rant perfect looking you don't have to be too accurate applying the different colours from the pallet.

- Using the colours yellow and green really emphasised the bruise which made it look more realistic.

- Applying red as the base coat allowed the other colours to be layered on top and mix in.

- Putting too much black on the bruise made it look too false.

- To enhance the bruise the makeup must be rubbed in around the edges.

- Making to cut lip was much harder because the wax was difficult to mold onto the face. I researched up on this, and it said to apply an alcohol base on the skin before applying on the wax which made it stay on easier.

- Applying the fake blood I found it easier to use a pointed object such as a cocktail stick or tweezers to make sure the blood is fully in the scar.

My inspiration for this tutorial came from this video:

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