Monday 12 October 2015

Sound in Trailers

We Are Your Friends (2015)
  • Non-diegetic dialogue - "5..4..3..2..1"
    • low scratch sound increasing in volume and pitch as he counts down
    • abrupt stop and silence as he says 'one'
  • Straight into Years & Years - Desire (Griffin Remix)
  • Main character introduces friends and location
    • " My friends and I, We're from the San Fernando valley. That flat stretch of land on the other side of the Hollywood hills'
    • Location is evident and supported by establishing shots of Hollywood and long shots of him and his friends
  • 'Full of actors, waiters and wannabees who cant afford to live in Los Angeles'
    • Young, low status work, trying to be successful
    • Disequilibrium - seem unhappy where they are - limited success
  • Diegetic Dialogue - 'We're going to be out of the valley by the end of this summer'
    • Dialogue turns non-diegetic 'I think I have an idea' then music becomes louder and more upbeat as editing pace fastens to add
  • Diegetic dialogue - clips of each characters saying one word 'This is gonna be // the best // the best (repeated) //  night // of // your // life'
  • Music stops, diegetic dialogue - "This party sucks, LA is dead, can you play Drunk in Love?" "absolutely not"
    • element of comedy
  • New song starts - On the Regular by Shamir
    • Lots more diegetic dialogue explaining how he is going to be more successful
    • Upbeat song suggests things are picking up for the characters
  • Music stops again - quieter and less upbeat - his a new point of disequilibrium
    • "don't you feel like theres a lot more quality stuff we could be doing?"
    • music then picks up as characters seen as couple running together
    • Song lyrics - 'See the dawn of a new beginning' new equilibrium
  • Lots of dialogue
  • We are your inspiration, we are your voice, we are your future - titles, leads to movie title, We Are Your Friends
  • Music quietens - "lots of beating hearts out there, are you sure you can handle it?"
  • Heartbeat paces drum sound to build tension and high pitch squeak as Zac gets closer to the mic - then silence
  • "Whats up? I'm Cole Carter" silence - tension, he has to entertain large audience, silence is awkward and anticipating
  • We Are Your Friends by Justice plays with appearance of film title word by word
Project X
  • diegetic dialogue - handheld recording
    • "Mum, Dad, It's me Thomas. Erm, where do I start? This was supposed to be a small get together. I wanted to be cool for one night. I wanted girls to notice me. Then things got a little out of control.."
  • Non-diegetic music starts - 'Pursuit of Happiness'
  • Repetition non diegetic dialogue - 'tonights about...' - listing reasons for party
  • Fast paces beat of song mimicking heartbeat matched editing of shots of party and freeze frames of scenes as polaroid images
  • diegetic dialogue - crowd chanting "Thomas" in time with music
    • builds up to point he jumps off roof and the music then becomes louder and the beat is heavier
  • Sirens - danger
  • Phonecall from dad checking up on son along with shots of wild and out of control party
  • music stops as car crashes into pool - screams of fear
  • Cuts to thomas back on phone to father - "Yeah, all good" - irony and comedy
  • music continues as star billing and release date appear on screen

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