Saturday 17 October 2015

Fake wound tutorial

To re-create a fake wound on your arm here are the following that you will need:
- An alcohol base substance
- A bruise pallet
- Fake blood
- Nose and scar wax
- A cocktail stick

- Firstly you need to apply the alcohol base substance on your arm using a cotton pad.

- Then get the amount of wax you wish you use and rub it between your hands to make it easier to mold with.
- Then apply the wax onto your arm and spread it across making sure that it evens out with your skin.
- Using the cocktail stick make a line going down the wax.

- Start dabbing on the red colour from the bruise pallet all across the wax.

- Then use the other colours, dark blue, brown and yellow and apply them all the regions that are still showing the wax.

- Using the cocktail stick, apply a small amount of fake blood into the lid of the container and spread across the scar in the wax.

- If applicable, use the stick again horizontally.

- Keep adding more fake blood into the wound until it becomes dark red.

- To create a more effective wound, do the same throughout but on smaller wounds, either side of the main wound.

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