Sunday 11 October 2015

Deconstruction of 'Paper Towns' Trailer

Paper Towns

Paper Towns is based on the award winning novel by John Green. It is an American comedy drama.

The 'Paper Towns' trailer is 1 minute and 45 seconds.

There is a voiceover by the main character to set the plot of the film. It also connects to audience as the main character's personality is built.

"Everyone gets a miracle, my miracle was that I wound up living across the street from Margo Roth Spiegelman. She was unarguably the most gorgeous creature that God had ever created. As senior year drew to a close, Margo and I were practically strangers. Until this one night.."
The selling point of the film - being a film remake of the novel by John Green - is the first titles used in the trailer. This is further highlighted by the titles stating that he is the author of Fault in Our Stars.

The diegetic sound of the two main characters having a conversation is played over a montage of their time together.

After this scene there is another voiceover by the main character, Quentin, further explaining the plot and highlighting the feelings of the character.

The production company is shown, this is due to the reputation selling the film.

"The search for love"
"Will take you further"
"Than you ever imagined"

This is the tagline of the film. The typography is similar to handwriting, creating an imperfect 'feel' to the film. It makes the film relatable, which sets the target audience given that the film is about teen issues - growing up and leaving school, discovering yourself.

The song 'Smile' by Mikky Ekko is played non-diegetically at the end of the trailer. This song is upbeat and by a relatively contemporary, well known artist, again securing the target audience. The lyrics of the song are also relevant to the film:

"We're trying so hard to get it all right
But only feel lonely at the end of the night"

It highlights the main characters search for love and the journey that he goes on. It is also about growing up, and spending the last summer with the friends that you have.

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