Monday 5 October 2015

Inspiration: Cyberbully (2015) - Channel 4

"A British teenager is forced by a computer hacker to do his bidding. If she refuses, the hacker will leak compromising photos of her to the public."
Cyberbully is a British film made exclusively for channel 4. It previewed on the 15th January 2015 and stars 17 year old Maisie Williams. The actor used is in the popular fantasy series 'Game of Thrones'. This is popular with the teenage demographic and she would therefore already have a small fanbase that would watch the film for this reason as well as the relevance to current moral issues with teenagers.
The issue of cyberbullying is continually becoming worse due to advancing of technology and hacking. This film is therefore based around things that do actually happen which creates a sense of reality for the viewer.
more than 1 in 3 young people have experienced cyberthreats online
The trailer/film is mainly set in Casey's bedroom, where she uses her computer and the cam3era switches from close ups and reaction shots to user interface on her laptop. The use of a disguised and distorted voice controlling Casey adds fear as he is threatening her. The monotone and emotionless robotic voice is also quite eerie and controlling.
The film takes the aspect of cyberbullying to the extreme with the hacker taking full control of her computer and documents and blackmailing her. This is unlikely to happen in real life however the aim of the film is to warn teens of what they post online and how they treat people not he other side of the screen.
Mobile phones are also used to cyberbully, where teens send threatening of offensive texts.
over 80 percent of teens use a cell phone regularly, making it the most popular form of technology and a common medium for cyber bullying
The film also discusses the taboo of depression by showing the character taking medication and having the mental illness used to manipulate her.

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