Wednesday 27 January 2016

Website Practical 2

Awards- I Uploaded the background images of the awards and then changed the colour to white as the black wasn't visible with the background image. I then typed in the same awards that we used in the trailer and then I made the background transparent which was very simple as the website has a effect which does it quickly instead of having to use Photoshop.

Title- I decided to use the same font as the one in the trailer and the poster to make it all have the same house style. I made the title the largest font size on the website so it would stand out and interlinked the realise date with the page colours e.g. IPC films and the awards. I then placed them together on the brick wall which has the most basic background so it doesn't blend it.

Trailer- I searched for our teaser trailer on YouTube, uploaded it and then re-sized it. I then went on the video settings and made it auto-play when the website is loaded. I then removed the frame and got rid of the titles on top of the video.

IPC films- I uploaded the logo of our production company and resized it and added it next to the drop down menu.

Background- The background image was taken next to an alley way at a garage area. This image was then edited on Photoshop to make it look darker as it was taken in the day time and the wall was made to look older. We decided upon this image instead of the close up this makes the character look more homeless.

Drop-down menu- I changed the font from pink to white so that the colours on the website interlinked  and removed the separators in the menu.

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