Wednesday 13 January 2016

Locations Evaulation

Advantages: This location was close by which made it easier to take our equipment to and from. It was appropriate to our genre of urban teen drama because it contained mise-en-scene such as graffiti on the brick walls. Furthermore the location wasn't busy which meant we didn't have to keep stopping due to on-coming pedestrians.  
Disadvantages: Because of the time of day meant it was difficult to control the change in lighting which caused the shots to change every time.

Advantages: The lighting was perfect for our filming as the low-key lighting created a dark atmosphere for the shot. It was also very appropriate for or genre and for our plot of the idea of running away.
Disadvantages: Due to being a public walkway meant that pedestrians were walking through meaning we had to stop filming at times. Although the lighting was great it was difficult to see the affect it made on the go-pro which meant we had to re-film using a normal cannon camera.

Advantages: We had easy access and permission to use this location which meant we could close it off so that people wouldn't walk in during filming. The location worked really well with the last scene in our sequence as it wasn't planned in the first place but was effective with our plot.

Disadvantages: The lighting in this location was too bright in some shots which made it difficult to create a dark atmosphere, therefore we had to spend time editing the footage to decrease the level of lighting.

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