Sunday 31 January 2016

Final poster

Final poster


This is the original image that I started off with. I thought that this image was effective due to the brick wall behind her; conforming to conventions in urban films. I also liked how we took the golden rule into consideration when we took this photo so that the majority of the writing could go on the left hand side.

I took the feedback I got from my first draft into account and made the walls darker by using the burn tool on Photoshop as well as duplicating another layer of our actress to give the appearance of a shadow behind her. To make this appropriate for our genre, I also found some photos of graffiti on google images then layering this on top and lowering the opacity. I rubbed some parts of the graffiti out using the eraser tool to give it a more realistic, faded appearance.

I then added our title and billing block created by Chloe onto our poster. We decided to use the title from our teaser trailer with the orange background instead of a plain white or black title because we wanted to ensure that our fonts were the same throughout our trailer, poster and website. Due to the black background on the billing block, I had to use the effect 'divide' to get rid of the black background but keep the white text. 

The star ratings/reviews were created by finding an image of a 5 star rating on google then writing the review using the text tool on Photoshop. These reviews were taken from our previous poster deconstructions. This was repeated three times vertically to give us 3 reviews. I also included images of the awards received for this film on the side of our poster but making them white to follow the colour scheme.

Lastly, I added our age rating by our billing block and "From the producer of Fishtank" so that those who enjoyed Fishtank may also enjoy our film. We then added our tagline "Freedom comes with responsibility. Consciousness comes with pain" ensuring that it was smaller than our title.

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