Friday 15 January 2016

Creating our poster

  • We felt that the brick wall behind our actress was too plain so i used the burn tool on photoshop to make it darker and add graffiti 
  • The brick wall was effective as our genre is typically set in an urban area with alleyways and council estates in the background.
  • I then found an image of the star ratings and combined this with some reviews using photoshop. These reviews were found online for other similar films in our genre.
  • Our tagline is much smaller than our title; conforming to common representations of film posters.
  • The billings block was created by Chloe which was then inserted along the bottom of our poster.


I think that this poster is much better than the first draft as it includes much more advance photoshopping. However, I feel that this poster could be improved by changing the font of the title and making all of the text white.

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