Wednesday 27 January 2016

Deconstruction of mise-en scene and titles in Ill Manors

Ill Manors is a British crime drama film written, co-scored and directed by Plan B. The film revolves around the lives of eight main characters and features six original songs by Plan B, which act as a narration for the film. Ill Manors is a multi-character story, set over the course of seven days, a scenario where everyone is fighting for respect. The film focuses on eight core characters, and their circles of violence, as they struggle to survive on the streets. Each story is also represented by a different rap song performed by Plan B.

Mise-en Scene

I feel that the mise-en scene in this trailer is relevant to our teaser trailer as it includes shots of cocaine, a teenage girl smoking, a blade, abuse and alcohol. These are all issues that teenagers might face so I think that we can take inspiration from these mise-en scene and incorporate them into our teaser trailer. The shots of the blade, cocaine, smoking and alcohol are effective because our genre is based on teen urban/social realism and these are some things that people associate teenagers with. Our teaser trailer has a sense of mental illness so the blade may be effective as it could symbolize that she has to turn to self harm because she is struggling to cope with her problems.


These titles are placed in front of a time-lapse of a motorway. I think that this is effective as establishing/wide shots are usually used in urban films and the time-lapse captures the movement of the cars and how busy the city is.

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