Thursday 28 January 2016

Deconstruction of Genre

What is Genre?

In film theoryfilm genre refers to the method of categorizing films based on similarities in the narrative elements from which films are constructed or the emotional responses they elicit. Most theories of film genre are borrowed from literary genre criticism. Besides the basic distinction in genre between fiction and documentary, film genres can be categorized in several ways.

What are Sub-Genres?

Sub-Genres are identifiable sub-classes within the larger film genre, with their own distictive subject matter, style, formulas and iconography. For example the film 'When Harry met Sally' would have the genre 'comedy' and the sub-genre would be 'romantic-comedy' and the film 'James Bond' would have the genre 'action' and the sub-genre 'spy'. 

Our genre?

The genre in our teaser trailer is 'Teen Social realism'. Social realism refers to the work photographers and filmmakers that draw attention to the everyday conditions of the working class and the poor; social realists are critical of the social structures which maintain these conditions. We have taken the generic stereotypes of teenagers and enhanced them to create an interesting narrative for the audience. The miss-en-scene such as the drugs and cigarettes is how we portrayed the idea of social realism without teenagers. 

Common conventions of our Genre:
- Location setting (not in a studio)- Fish Tank
- Wide shots- Bullet Boy 
- Non-professional actors- Fish Tank
- Semi-improvised scripts- Ken Loach
- Humour and seriousness 
- The erosion of regional identities- Yasmin 
- Wider social issues explored- The Full Monty 
- Emotional and dramatic individual stories

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