Sunday 6 September 2015

Source of inspiration: The Age of Adaline

The Age of Adaline is a romance-fantasy film that was released in May 2015. It is about a girl named Adaline who remains youthful for eight decades after an accident but never allows anyone to discover her secret. 

Trailer deconstruction:

  • As the production companies come up, it is accompanied with a twinkling/lullaby noise as well as the sound of ticking. The sound of ticking is effective as this film is all about time stopping/travelling. 

  • Following from the last scene of adaline turning on the projector, we see a series of clips, also known as montage editing, of Adaline's life as it is narrated by a man. 
  • I like this scene as it shows the stages in life from birth to marriage then starting your own family. However, a scene is shown after this of Adaline crashing her car on a cold winter night which leads to a miracle that will change her life. 

  • The sound in this scene is effective as it creates tension with the sound of ticking and wind, almost like something is taking off. The sound of the wind mimics the speed of the car as she is about to crash. This stops when the car is submerged into the water then all we hear is the splash and waves of the water. 
  • Fast paced shots are used at the beginning of this scene prior to the crash then slow motion shots are used afterwards as the suspense is over. We hear a loud non-diegetic sound where she is gasping for air as she comes up; this is accompanied by a slow motion shot to make it much more dramatic. 

  • A medium close up eyeline-match is used in this shot where Adaline is looking at the picture. This leads to a flashback where a photo is taken at a party in which we hear the sound of the shutter. The use of a photo and flashbacks links well to the film since it's about time stopping and conveys the message of how a camera captures the moment. 

  • The titles in the trailer stand out due to the strong contrast. The spark in the middle of the screen represents light which is sometimes associated with time. The trailer ends with the name of the film and a picture of Adaline but it is faded which could symbolize the time travelling and certain memories. 

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