Monday 21 September 2015

Deconstruction of St Trinians Trailer

- The location of the trailer is calm and peaceful boarding school until war breaks out after 10 seconds after a desk falls out of the window, this links in with Todorov's narrative theory that a narrative will have equilibrium and disequilibrium.  
- There are 2 different locations in the first 10 seconds to show as much action as possible.
- The audience is immediately introduced to the school to show that the film would be located there for a magority of the film.
- The trailer shows that it is set in London due to the famous landmarks such as the national gallery in Trafalgar Square, this means that the film can have a global audience.

- Split screen- this is a common use of editing used in teen dramas to introduce a selection of charters in one shot, this is used in such films like mean girls.
- Fast cuts are used to get as much information in the trailer as possible.
- Additionally slow pace is used to allow the audience to connect with the characters or allow a joke.
- Comical scenes in the film are edited into the trailer to get the audience excited for the film and for the genre to be understood.
- Montages are used to show as much footage and action as possible.

- Their uniforms are customised by each character to sell the characters more and to show their personalities.
- There are a lot of characters in one room to show the closeness in their relationships.
- Old fashioned school-chalk boards-old building- to show how times have changed compared to modern schools new.
- Skulls & red ink which connotes with blood and police.
- Typography is uneven and scribbly which symbolise childlike behaviour.
- The classy car represents the wealthy character, the next shot shows a burning old car which conveys the contrast in classes.

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