Wednesday 23 September 2015

Deconstruction of film posters

- The audiences eyes are diverted to all the colours on the poster and bold images such as the avatars eyes, the sun and the bold title, this done by using 'The golden rule'.
- The title is different as it doesn't use the stereotypical black font, which makes it stand out. It also reflects the sic-fi genre by giving it a futuristic look. 
- By saying it is available in 3D will draw in a wider range of audiences.
- The antagonist is gown through hi facial expressions as he is portrayed to be heroic and so he'll have an important role in the film.

I am Legend:

- The title is bold and white which makes i stand out from the background.
- The colour scheme is mainly black white ties in to the title, 'the dark knight'
- The title is positioned away from the centre to distant the audiences attention from the image, 'the golden rule'.
- At the bottom it tells you when the film is realised which gets the audience more interested.
- The iconic batman costume is used to increase the fan base as it will attract the attention of older generations.

The dark knight rises: 
- The bold title of the actors name 'Will Smith' draws the audiences attention to the poster as he is well know and has a large fan base.
- Will Smith is the largest figure on the poster and this shows his importance.
- By saying 'he is not alone' draws the audiences attention further s they will be wondering what else is going to be in the film.
- The over-turned and destroyed buildings suggests the films genre is action. Additionally from the mise-en-scene of the gun, this emphasises the edginess for upcoming.
- The background image comprises of a orange/yellow sky which symbolises danger and death. 

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