Saturday 19 September 2015

Deconstruction of 'Some Girls'

Some Girls

BBC Three Television series following a group of teenage girls.

Deconstruction of Some Girl's Trailer

This is the Some Girls launch trailer that would be showed on the BBC channels in the lead up to its release.

The trailer uses short clips from a range of scenes over the series. This creates a restricted narrative but gives the audience a good idea of the characters within it.
There is a voiceover of the main character, Viva, who is describing the other girls in her friendship group.

There is a non-diegetic song playing behind the voiceover and diegetic sounds within each scene. The song is Bom Bom by Sam and the Womp. This is relevant to the TV series as it is quite modern, upbeat and the song's target audience, like the television series is teenage girls.

The names of each of the characters are used within the trailer. They are bold and white and take up a large part of the screen. They appear in different ways depending on the introduction to the character. Amber is the first to be described. "Amber, she's easily confused" is said on the voiceover as the character peers around a corner, her name above her head.

Holli is the second to be introduced, "Holli, don't get her angry" is said as the character shouts to another team mate while playing football. Her name appearing above her head as though it had burst into flames.
"My girl Saz" is said as a girl walks through a door, her name appearing larger as it is opened. Finally, "And me, Viva, the sanest one of the lot" is said as the main character is introduced.

Deconstruction of Characters

The characters in Some Girls follow common characters seen in the Teen Drama genre. For example:

Viva - Viva is the sensible, responsible one of the group. Her story and interactions with the other characters are followed throughout the series. Another story that is common in the teen drama genre is the 'good looking dad' story, this is true with Viva as her father is the love interest of her friends.

Amber - Amber is the dumb blonde, this is a common character in teen dramas as it is an easy character to create a comedic effect. Another convention that Amber follows is the on/off relationship she has with her boyfriend - this is followed and referred to throughout the series.

Holli - Holli is the aggressive, working class character. She covers social issues within the series, as she struggles with school and looking after her younger siblings. Holli sees the school councillor, which could be a relatable topic for some of the target audience.

Saz - Saz is the sarcastic, socially awkward character. Again, this is a common character seen in Teen Dramas as it is easy to create a comedic effect. Saz is the character that receives the least attention from boys and therefore relatable issues for teenage girls are covered - talking to boys and having her first boyfriend.

Rocky - Rocky is the love interest of main character. He is a conforms to the convention of his common character as he is good looking. Usually either one of the pair in the relationship are less clever, in this series it is Rocky. Rocky quits school and starts working, again, this covers issues that are relatable by the target audience.  

Charlie and friends - Charlie is the 'popular girl' of the school all of the characters attend. She conforms to the common conventions of the typical character as she is a bully. Another convention that is conformed to is that there is constant rivalry between the two girl groups. Another story that is followed through the series is the involvement of Charlie with Amber and her boyfriend, Brandon.

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