Monday 7 September 2015

Moral panic case studies

Fear of terrorism-  ISIS shootings in Tunisia
- Seifeddine Rezgui was high on drugs as he murdered tourists in Tunisia
- A stimulant was detected by doctors during a post-mortem examination
- Police confirmed that an unexploded bomb was found on Rezgui’s body
- He murdered 38 tourists and didnt show any remorse
- Due to the shootings in Tunisia, holiday bookings in the area had significantly reduced as people are now afraid  to visit the area in case a similar event occurred again. This area depends on tourism as it is its highest source of income, meaning many residents are suffering as a result and are unable to provide for themselves and their families, they are now having to move to different areas in search for employment.

- This attack caused warnings in other countries such as Britain, due to 30 of the 38 victims being British, as it may have been a direct attack on British people. Bomb attacks were warned across the country which caused fear amongst people as the fear of terrorism occurring grows.

Illegal Immigration- channel tunnel 
- Thousands of legal immigrants are trying to smuggle themselves into lorries, cars and the euro tunnel in order to gain entrance into the country.
- This is causing fear amongst people in the UK as its causing the uk population to increase dramatically, with the population already at 64 million its increasing by between 310,000 and 570,000 due illegal immigration. There is overcrowding and increased burden in public places and public.
- In May 2006 it was estimated that there could be around 500,000 illegal workers in the UK. 
- The fear of illegal immigration is also present due to the increased crime rate among the population as well as increased risk of cases related to human trafficking.
- There is a lingering fear of a gradual imbalance in the ethnic diversity, which can lead to the dominance of one particular language or culture in the society. 
- The country invests in quite a fortune for illegal immigrant maintenance cost and at the end of the day there is no government reimbursement of the fund.
- However Britain's economy would be lost without immigration. 

Why is there so much media
coverage on terrorism?

A fear headline (YOU WILL NEVER BE SAFE), combined with a photo of a man with bloodied hands, is the perfect image that the terrorists want to see being passed on to the wider public. Terrorists want to create fear, shouldn’t we all be trying to fight this by not allowing these images to be seen in public? Yet the media continues to publish similar stories every day.



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