Sunday 7 February 2016

Website deconstruction

  • Social links listed on top right
  • Promotes film - how you can own it on top of the page
  • Tabs such as overview, story, cast and crew, videos, photos, news
  • Have to scroll down for the rest of the information - doesn't fit onto one page

  • Plays music automatically - also has the option to turn it off
  • Can text 'Go London' to 85080 for exclusive clips
  • Promoting dvd edition
  • Has production company at the bottom and when the dvd comes out
  • Tabs about the film such as: about, competitions, trailer, soundtrack, etc.
  • Sites for advice and help listed under forums but no facebook, twitter, etc.
  • Social media links listed on top right
  • Synopsis listed when you arrive on home page
  • Trailer at bottom
  • Has 'buy now' button to promote film
  • In cinemas now, age certificate: 15 - targets right audience

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