Monday 8 February 2016

Evaluation of our Editing

In two parts of the trailer we used match-on action, we used in the shots of the girl smoking and where she pours water on her face and looks back into the mirror. Match on action is an editing technique for which one shot cuts to another shot portraying the action of the subject in the first shot. I think this worked really well for the smoking shots because it enabled us to put as much footage into one section without wasting time. It also worked really well for the toilet scene because we used a go-pro for the close which created a 'fish bowl' effect. 

In the first few shots of the preparing and injecting of the drugs we used a basic cut between each shots, this created disequilibrium at the beginning and also it allowed us to not waste time as we managed edit it within 10 seconds.

In the final shots in the teaser trailer we used the editing affect 'shot reverse shot'. The shot we used to revert back to was the close up shot of the girl looking in the mirror, looking back on her past. In the same group of shots we used a continuous flash back which worked really well with the light effect, however it was difficult to get the music and the shots to work together at the same beat which is what we wanted.

With the shot of the eye and the pupil shrinking in size we used a slow motion so that the audience could understand what is happening as in its normal pace it was too quick to see there was a change. In all the titles in the teaser trailer we photoshopped them so that we could put a video effect in the background, this worked really well as its something that hasn't been seen before and also the colours were relevant to our genre, however it was difficult to make sure all the words we clear as some parts were too dark to read.

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