Friday 5 February 2016

Editing in teaser trailers

- Teaser trailers tend to use small clips of different parts of the film which is used to entice the audience.
- This means that the most common type of editing used in a teaser trailer is a 'cut' between two shots which saves time in the editing process.
- Another popular choice of editing in teaser trailers is a 'fade' this sort of editing technique is used the trailers such as 'Star Trek into darkness'.
- However this editing method tends to be used in shots that are in equilibrium or in romance trailers because the fade makes the trailer smooth and calm.

Other editing techniques:
Continuity editing- Editing that creates action that flows smoothly across shots and scenes without jarring visual inconsistencies.
Cross cutting- Cutting back and forth quickly between two or more lines of action, indicating they are happening simultaneously.
Jump cut- A cut that creates a lack of continuity by leaving out parts of the action.
Matched cut- A cut joining two shots whose compositional elements match, helping to establish strong continuity of action. 
Montage- Scenes whose emotional impact and visual design are achieved through the editing together of many brief shots. 
Rough cut- The editor's first pass at assembling the shots into a film, before tightening and polishing occurs.
Shot reverse shot cutting- Usually used for conversation scenes, this technique alternates between over-the-shoulder shots showing each character speaking. 
Wipe- Visible on screen as a bar travelling across the frame pushing one shot off and pulling the next shot into place. Rarely used in contemporary film, but common in films such as 'Star Wars'.
Sequence shot- A long take that extends for an entire scene or sequence. It is composed of only one shot with no editing. 

Snowdon Teaser Trailer
- The beginning of the trailer uses a 'Fade' effect between each shot which conveys the idea of calmness.
- When the shot gets to the middle of the trailer there starts to become disequilibrium, then there is a use of the 'cut' affect which increases the pace of the trailer.
- At the end there is a 'jump cut' which makes the trailer enginmatic as it does the title of the film. 

Ip Man 3
- Though-out the whole trailer the main use of editing is 'cut' which is used to show the audience as much footage as possible into the trailer. 
- There is the use of a 'Slow-motion' which id used in a fight scene the emphasise the impact of the hit.  
- The shots appear and cut at the same beat as the music and as the music gets faster the shots and cuts appear quicker which makes build-up to the ending dramatic.
- After the build-up and the black shot, there is the use of 'fade' which makes the trailer in equilibrium again

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