Friday 5 February 2016

Our Films Classification

In a previous blog post, I researched different age ratings and which aspects puts a film into each category. I summarised the definition of each rating and from this we, as a group, decided on which age rating most suits our film and trailer.

Bad Language

Sexual Behaviour


Behaviours that could be copied

Drug reference


Infrequent / very mild (damn, hell)

No overt focus, mild reference allowed

Very mild, reassuring outcome

Must be disapproved

None unless there is a clear anti-drug message


Mild, context important (sh**)

Unlikely unless undetailed

Mild, no detail

Dangerous behaviours must be condemned

References without strong focus


Strong language depending on manner and frequency (f***) non discriminatory

Briefly and discreetly portrayed

Moderate without great detail

Accessible weapons must not be glamorised

Infrequent sights of drugs but portrayal must not be glamorised


Great deal, no limit on no. of uses

Activity can be portrayed without great detail

Strong, no focus on infliction of pain or injury

Should not dwell on detail of dangerous behaviours

Can be shown without encouraging or promoting use with instructional detail


No limit on use of any language

Strong and detailed portrayals allowed

Strong with detail, pain and injury can be dwelled on

Very dangerous behaviour may be cut

Can be shown without encouraging or promoting

  • Our film fits the criteria for the majority of the 15 category due to less extreme presentations of violence and language. However the strong language and hard drug use bring the film into the 18 rating due to its ability to expose children and younger teens to dangerous behaviours and extreme language.

  • Below is the age rating block I created for the billings block which highlights the rating and description of the films harmful content to which the audience should respond to respectively.

  • Further detail into the 18 rating category can be seen in the image below which is an extract from the BBFC classification document which clearly highlights the limits within each category. This includes exceptions for adults freely choosing what the consume and how the 18 category differs from the R18 category.

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