Monday 8 February 2016

Review of Research and Planning

Evaluation of Research and Planning

In order to review my research and planning, I have monitored my progress from AS to A2.

My creation of storyboards has been in area of improvement during the step up of AS to A2. In our 2-minute AS possession horror film opening about a boy who is possessed by a supernatural female figure, our storyboard had detail and most scenes had a full breakdown. Although we had some parts missing when we started filming. This meant that we had to keep rescheduling filming days in order to complete all of the shots needed, due to adding them throughout the production of the film opening.


Due to not storyboarding effectively, some of the shots were unachievable, including having the possessed antagonist making an immediate bruise on the protagonist, we realised that we did not have the equipment or skills for this.

In the storyboarding of ‘Eighteen’, we ensured that we did not encounter the same problems as we did at AS. We did this by writing a list of desired shots and a basic idea of the scenes we wanted to include. We then filtered these to choose the best clips. This allowed us to experiment with a range of shots and editing styles due to having an exact number of clips to film and a finalised storyboard.

Another area of improvement has been shooting scripts. At AS we made a shooting script for each filming day so that we knew the list of scenes and equipment needed. Although, we organised our filming days last minute, which meant that the planning was rushed. This meant that some group members couldn’t attend various filming days, reducing the amount of team participation.

This progressed in A2 as we organised the filming days ahead of time, we grouped clips that we filmed in similar locations i.e. a day in Paddock Wood to film the parts at my house, Five Oak Green park and Costa.


To conclude, my skills from AS to A2 have improved. This has helped me share better ideas with the group, and increase the quality of the planning and creation of our media product.

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